The Management API
The Management API of a Prisma server is used to deploy and manage the Prisma services running on the server. It is available via the /management
path of your Prisma server, e.g. http://localhost:4466/management
API Reference
The Management API exposes the following operations (you can find the full GraphQL schema of the Management API here).
type Query {
Shows the status of the next migration in line to be applied to the project.
If no such migration exists, it shows the last applied migration.
migrationStatus(name: String!, stage: String!): Migration!
Shows all projects the caller has access to.
listProjects: [Project!]!
Shows all migrations for the project. Debug query, will likely be removed in the future.
listMigrations(name: String!, stage: String!): [Migration!]!
Gets a project by name and stage.
project(name: String!, stage: String!): Project!
Information about the server
serverInfo: ServerInfo!
generates a token for the given project
generateProjectToken(name: String!, stage: String!): String!
type Mutation {
deploy(input: DeployInput!): DeployPayload
addProject(input: AddProjectInput!): AddProjectPayload
deleteProject(input: DeleteProjectInput!): DeleteProjectPayload
setCloudSecret(input: SetCloudSecretInput!): SetCloudSecretPayload
Due to legacy reasons, the Management API currently uses outdated terminology to refer to certain Prisma concepts. Most importantly, Prisma services are called projects (e.g. listProjects
) and Prisma servers are called clusters in the terminology of the API.